Monday, April 02, 2012

#255 chill weekend

Friday's outfit: tank from Phuket, belt from dotti, supre skirt, asos tights, diva necklace

diary scribbles

Forever new bustier, Uniqlo jeans, cardigan from aunty (SO SOFT), Vinci flats, Diva watch, Low Luv by Erin Wasson ring

my bed with fresh sheets and missing my teddies

just casually hanging to dry

These photos just made me crack up while I was bringing in the washing. My teddy bears just casually hanging by their ears from the washing line. So casual.

Fluffy likes to smile at the camera. So photogenic, am so jelly.

Now I have to go study me some breast cancer and mitral valve prolapse. GUH. Did you know that the curves of your butt are actually called Gluteal Folds? (as named after the gluteal maximus muscles that are what makes up your butt)

1 comment:

  1. I love the blog!!
    keep up the great work!
    follow my blog back as well!
